Humor Story - August 13, 2006

IT Steering Committee to Monitor All DAQ Phone Calls

The DAQ's IT Steering Committee announced today its plan to begin monitoring and regulating all incoming and outgoing DAQ phone calls. The written announcement, mailed in paper-copy to each DAQ employee, included numerous references to the IT Steering Committee's authorities, responsibilities, duties, and powers, etc., under the committee's written charter for establishing, regulating, administering, and directing, etc.

"How did their power extend from computers to telephones?" one incredulous DAQ employee asked after reading a written copy of the steering committee's announcement that was mailed to his home.

"Just go look up information technology on the '' website" responded the spokesperson for the IT Steering Committee. "Their website defines IT as hardware and software things, and all that telecommunications stuff," he said.

"We pretty much have authority over all things electronic" the spokesperson added.

"Someone needs to appeal this decision," complained one annoyed DAQ employee.

The steering committee spokesperson responded that the "IT Steering Committee will not be listening to any appeals from employees. Any appeals should be forwarded to the new IT User Group for Telecommunications, which will be writing the charter for its Telecommunications & Employee Appeals Subcommittee at its next meeting in October" he explained.

Some DAQ employees indicated they had no interest in making any appeals. "If you disagree with some of those IT Steering Committee folks you can expect to end up in 'DAQ Siberia' or worse," one employee explained.

But some employees were still upset. "It's crazy," said one exasperated DAQ employee. "Is the IT Steering Committee going to meddle in our inspections, inventories, and permits? Are they going to want to control our cameras, cell phones, and automobiles?" he asked.

"That is certainly within our authority under the charter," the steering committee spokesperson shot back.

Charter Humorous